Sto Science Officer Dmg Vs Crtd

Dec 22, 2017  Bane takes you through his current skill tree in Star Trek Online. Credits to: Credit to Omegafighter and Dragon1608 two great guys who helped me get back into STO. Jan 19, 2018  Now with re-engineering you can change mods including the epic mod of Ac/Dm. With that change you can have CritD/Dm mod which allows you to have an additional Crtd mod, potentially making dmg not the best anymore. The additional dmg mod from Ac/Dm is what made dmg.

Constantly maintained DPS-builds:

Most builds are based on a tactical captain,
but they would be build in the same way for the other careers.

Some build suggestions are including low budget builds.
Click here to see, where they are included!

BR = Borg Resurgance (Current Season;up to date)
MoD = Mirror of Discovery
ViL = Victory is Life

Sto science officer dmg vs crtd 4Sto science officer dmg vs crtd 2






Sto Science Officer Dmg Vs Crtd 4



Sto Science Officer Dmg Vs Crtd Full

Some of the traits/ships might not be available on PS4 and XBox One, but the builds should work there too!

Sto Science Officer Dmg Vs Crtd 2017

  1. # This program compares the damage difference potentials of STO's weapon mods
  2. # (most notably, a comparison between DMG, CrtD, and Pen, which is done via averaging
  3. # possible team damage potentials). This is useful as an analsis on the subject.
  4. #This function plots a graph, which shows relative effectiveness of a TEAM of modded weapons using certian mod configurations;
  5. # this is done via an average of the entire team (in the case of mixed mods of Pen,
  6. #we assume that Pen is always active, and that only some weapons are being used
  7. # with that mod. The rest are either all dmg mods or all critD mods, and that is what
  8. # we want to compare (that is why I introduced the idea of pets, we assume there are pets/people/ships
  9. #that are basically copies of your stats, and that they are firing at the 'injured with Pen
  10. #
  11. # Example of test: plotCVDVPen2(50,300,300,100,10,60,0, 3)
  12. # Parameter explanation: plotCVDVPen2(critcal chance, catergory 1 buffs, category 2 buffs, r,i,b,d, # of ships firing [in the case of Pen mod])
  13. # Note: r, i, b,d refers to values used in calculating the resistance multiplier of an enemy;
  14. # r = resistance, i = injuries, b= bonus resistance, d = debuffs
  15. plotCVDVPen2 <-function(crit,category1, category2, r,i,b,d, pets){#type in the percent value (not decimals!)
  16. crit_sev<,1000)# crit severity as a sequence
  17. cat2 <- category2 #category 2 buffs
  18. # pets = other weapons that are fired from your ship, pets, or other ships
  19. crit4 <-c(((cat1+1.1)/100)*1.06*(mult(r,i,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.8))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/(2))
  20. dmgx4<-c((cat1/100)*1.193*(mult(r,i,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/(2))
  21. dmgx3Penx1 <-c(((((cat1+1.025)/100)*1.158*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.2))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/2)+(pets*((cat1)/100)*1.193*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/2))/(pets+1))
  22. crit3Penx1 <-c(((((cat1+1.1)/100)*1.06*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.6))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/2)+(pets*((cat1+1.1)/100)*1.06*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.8))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/2))/(pets+1))
  23. dmgx3Penx1All <-c((((cat1+1.025)/100)*1.158*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.2))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/(2)))
  24. crit3Penx1All <-c((((cat1+1.1)/100)*1.06*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.6))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/(2)))
  25. #Graphics part; also Do not mind the y axis label; I'm just to lazy to relabel it;
  26. # But, the y-axis label should say 'total damage increase proportion' (or something like that)
  27. plot(crit_sev, crit4,type='l',col='red')
  28. lines(crit_sev, dmgx3Penx1,col='blue')
  29. lines(crit_sev,dmgx3Penx1All, col='black')
  30. legend('bottomright',c('Critx4','dmgx4','dmgx3Penx1','crit3Penx1', 'dmgx3Penx1All', 'crit3Penx1All'), lty=c(1,1,1,1,1,1),lwd=c(2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5),col=c('red','green','blue','purple', 'black', 'Grey'), cex=0.8)
  31. title('DMG_Vs_CrtD_vs_Pen: Best Mod?')
  32. #used in calculating the resistance multiplier of enemy/ opposing ships
  33. #used in calculating the resistance multiplier of enemy/ opposing ships
  34. z <-(75/(150+x))
  35. return((1/4)+(3*z*z))
  36. }
  37. #used in calculating the resistance multiplier of enemy/ opposing ships
  38. return((m(r)/m(i))*(100/(100+b)))